I love being a comedian and I also am curious about the world around me and love asking questions.
Podcasting is the perfect medium!
My podcast focuses on the positive side of life and how we can better ourselves.
When I’m not writing, performing, and hanging out with my wife and son… you can usually find me at the boxing gym.
Great place for inspiration!
Having a blast doing the podcast and it can be heard on iTunes, iHeartradio, Stitcher and many other places.
When I have time, I post them on YouTube.
I had a great conversation with comedian Frank Cronin talking growing up in Ireland, joining the Army, living in a tent for a year, throwing grenades, going to jail in Mexico and much much more!
Getting some great feedback already about the positive messages and the feel-good vibe of this episode. Frank is a smart, worldly guy and the conversation flows nicely between comedic and informative.
We now a Facebook group! Seach Pocket Party Podcast on FB and join the party!
Oct 4 Veteran’s Memorial Hall Solvang, CA
Nov 8-10 Reno, NV
Nov 23, 24 Dicicco’s in Clovis, CA.
Dec 14-16 Tommy T’s Sacramento, CA
I have FOUR Live Comedy Albums on iTunes and Amazon and always appreciate your support. Great laughs and you’re giving back with every purchase.
I want to thank you for subscribing and sharing this podcast. The more retweets (I’ve pinned the link on my twitter @DarrenCarter), shares on FB the better. Use the #PocketPartyPodcast .
Any reviews on iTunes and YouTube comments I get I’ll give shoutouts on the podcast.
Send emails to PocketPartyPodcast@Gmail.com for all business inquiries.
Thank you
Let me know what you think. This is the first time I’ve written a blog about the podcast and I hope it helps spread the word.
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/officialdarrencarter/?hl=en
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfP9qhI4MnilAy_k6E30-7A?view_as=subscriber